Throughout the UK, there are vast telecommunication networks, including optical fibre, copper and coaxial cables. These networks incorporate inter-exchange cables, distribution routes and internal cabling for end users. An array of types of equipment are found on these networks, and with telecommunication cables generally being shallower than other utility infrastructure, they are prone to higher rates of damage. Our experience and technical expertise allows us to provide appropriate scrutiny of a variety of aspects with such claims, reassuring clients in terms of the level of advice offered.
Whether involving low, medium, intermediate or even high pressure gas mains, including associated infrastructure, the cost of repairs can vary considerably, with significant costs associated with the higher pressure services (sometimes upwards of £1m). With inevitable safety factors associated with working on live gas mains, restoration of loss of supply or maintaining service to end users can at times involve very complicated repairs, including the extraction of water where it has penetrated in to a gas network. BHA can investigate each stage of the repair process from the considering the initial incident circumstances through to analysis of eventual repair/replacement of the gas pipe, and associated costs.
Similar to gas networks, there is a variety of infrastructure operating under different pressures providing mains water services to the UK, from reservoirs to the end user, through pumping stations and other network equipment, as well as a vast network of sewers and storm drains. Our expertise assists clients in investigating a variety of claims presented by water authorities and local authorities, whether mains water services, sewers and storm water infrastructure, and even road collapses or flooding caused by escapes of water from such apparatus. We have come across a variety of scenarios connected to water and associated infrastructure, even where parties have incorrectly connected a new service to abandoned pipework, resulting in contamination issues.
Throughout the UK there are a variety of Low Voltage and High Voltage networks, covering end user connections, street lighting cables and feeds for a variety of highway infrastructure, through to higher voltage distribution systems such as 11kV, 33kV and132kV, and also 275kV and 400kV networks forming part of the National Grid. Our expertise allows us to handle a variety of claims arising from damage covering all such networks and associated apparatus, whether for underground or overhead cables, sub-stations, LV cabinets, link boxes and more. With some damage cable repairs proving to be very expensive, particularly on oil and gas filled EHV apparatus, specialist expertise is vital for appropriate scrutiny of repairs completed and associated costs.
Associated Work
We are regularly asked to consider other types of claims where an engineering input proves beneficial, often associated with utility infrastructure, but not always the case. This can include collapsed culverts and flooding caused to underground tunnels, as well as a variety of incidents of damage caused to highway infrastructure, including motorway barriers, traffic signaling equipment and similar street furniture. With the benefit of civil engineering expertise within our team, we have looked at reinstatement problems associated with completed repairs to buried apparatus, issues with the use of external gas pipe infrastructure on buildings in preservation areas, and even assisting with claims following failed piling operations.